Celebrate the changing of the seasons and receive fresh flowers weekly with our bouquet subscription. We currently offer a Spring Bouquet Share which spans four weeks beginning in early May, depending on the weather. Each share will feature our stunning specialty tulips and sometimes our heirloom daffodils and other flowers. These locally-grown & freshly cut flowers are not only beautiful, they are grown without chemicals or pesticides, so they’re safe for your kitchen table and for little hands. Pick up weekly in St. Johnsbury or Lyndonville and enjoy a Spring full of flowers!
Bouquet Subscription
Four weeks of bouquets made up of locally grown, long-lasting specialty tulips and other spring blooms. Beginning in early May, your share gets you one bouquet a week for four weeks. Pickup in St. Johnsbury or Lyndonville. The start date is weather dependent. We’ll let you know when your first share is on the way!
Shares will be available on Wednesday afternoons at Lead & Tackle in Lyndonville or Lumiere in St. Johnsbury.
Trim stems. Add to a vessel with fresh water, provided flower food is optional. Replace water if needed. Keep bouquets out of direct sunlight for longest life.